Sign-Up Now: Your all-in-one lesson planning and delivery solution
Let’s teach! is now live!! Our bespoke educator planning platform helps educators organise their lesson plans, assignments, and other classroom activities in one place.
Revolutionise your lesson planning with Letʼs teach!, our bespoke provides a simple and intuitive interface for educators to create and manage curriculum-aligned lesson plans and classroom activities.
Let’s teach! is a game-changer for educators everywhere—it’s your all-in-one lesson planning and delivery solution, crafted by the experienced teams at Prim-Ed Publishing and R.I.C. Publications.
Our team of passionate educators and tech experts have been hard at work to bring you a platform that will make your lesson preparation a breeze. By using our real-world teaching experience, we've ensured that Let’s teach! is perfect for your classroom needs.
With Let's teach!, you'll experience intuitive planning, dynamic resource integration, and seamless collaboration with your fellow educators.
Let’s teach! offers a range of customisation options so that educators can tailor lesson plans to their specific needs and preferences. You can edit pre-existing lesson plans or build your own lessons. and comes with a built-in interactive whiteboard, which can be displayed on a screen i.e. projector, laptop.
This allows for lesson elements to be shown to the whole class, with the option to layer resources.